Tuesday, 12 February 2013

Culture Shift: Marrying cultural and digital communities

The British Council Zimbabwe,  in collaboration with I-Way Africa, Jump Start Zimbabwe, and Alliance Francaise have come up with Culture Shift, a program of events seeking to come up with ‘solutions’ for Zimbabwe’s creative sector.

The events, which kick off at Alliance Francaise, with two days of idea generation from the 21st to the 22nd of February 2013, will bring together talented techies, passionate about art, culture and creativity as well as talented artists and cultural professionals or organizations who are interested in digital technology and what it can do for the growth of the sector.

The Ideation would be followed by the Culture Shift Hack from March 5 to 7, 2013 with those whose ideas the judges saw to be worthy of investment being invited and standing a chance to secure a contract worth $3,500 to develop the prototype further.

Kudzayi Ngwerume, British Council’s Arts Manager said this was the first technology  challenge in Zimbabwe to focus entirely on finding solutions for the Creative Economy. 
She went on to point out that the relationship between arts and technology in Zimbabwe has largely been unexplored.
“There is a synergy between innovation and creativity. If you look at companies like Apple, Samsung etc- you have a combination of your programmer/developer and your creative person. Hopefully by running this program we can start to initiate the possibility of this kind of collaboration.”
Also expected to be in attendance are the key stakeholders from the Ministries of SMEs and Education, Sports, Arts and Culture and the private sector to help shed light on topics such as: Start-up financing options, the creative economy in Zimbabwe, IT now and the near future  and fundable ideas.